[mythtv-users] Anyone Using LIRC on CentOS 6.6?

Roald roalda at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 13:27:48 UTC 2015

You're right, I misread.

I also have another frontend with Centos 6 and a MCE USB from an old
Hauppauge card.

To get this working on Centos 6, I think I had to downgrade to lircd 0.8.7
and in /etc/rc.d/rc.local i put something like this:

echo none +lirc > /sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols

service lircd stop && rmmod mceusb && rmmod lirc_mceusb && modprobe
lirc_mceusb && service lircd restart

I am at work, and the frontend is off, so I cannot verify everything now,
but if you want to try this just pm me any question.

Regards Roald Amundsen

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Alec Leamas <leamas.alec at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 04/06/15 09:10, Roald wrote:
>> Hello, I had one of these RCs that are difficult to configure. I tested
>> lirc and devinput and all of these links folks have provided you with
>> here, but no luck..
>> I found salvation here:
>> http://www.openmediacentre.com.au/tutorials/media-centre-hardware/m350-media-centre/wireless-multimedia-infrared-ir-remote-controller-deal-extreme-34435/#c471
>> Also read the forum linked there, it contains newer versions and other
>> tips.
>> Good luck!
> Quoting from Kirk's ir-keytable output:
>  $ir-keytable
>> Found /sys/class/rc/rc1/ (/dev/input/event14) with:
>>          Driver mceusb, table rc-rc6-mce
>>          Supported protocols: NEC RC-5 RC-6 JVC SONY LIRC
>>          Enabled protocols: LIRC
>>          Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared
>>          bus: 3, vendor/product: 0471:0815, version: 0x0000
>>          Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 33 ms
> I. e., this is not classified by the kernel as a HID device but rather a
> remote. A quick double check should reveal if there are any /dev/hidraw*
> devices available - if not, I doubt if this link is useful here.
> That said, that is an interesting link how to handle devices classified as
> keyboards. This is a complicated issue without any clean lirc-based
> solution today
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