[mythtv-users] Duplicate Tuners After Upgrade

Doug Lytle support at drdos.info
Wed Jun 3 16:01:04 UTC 2015

>>> On Jun 3, 2015, at 11:51 AM, Kirk Bocek t004 at kbocek.com wrote:
>>> I just upgraded from 0.24 to 0.27.4. I deleted all my HDHR Prime tuners 
>>> on my sole master backend and re-added them through mythtv-setup. Now my 
>>> tuner count seems to be doubled. I have two HDHR Primes and I have 12 

It's making the assumption that it can do multirec.  Delete your tuners again and recreate, but go into the advanced settings (Going from memory) and specify the tuner count of 1.


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