[mythtv-users] Working out which tuner was used for which recording

Hika van den Hoven hikavdh at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 12:46:33 UTC 2015

Hoi Mike,

Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 2:26:54 PM, you wrote:

> On 03/06/15 12:45, Gordon McCrae wrote:
>> I'm trying to work out how many of my DVB-T tuners are being used, and 
>> mow many "multiplex" recordings are occurring. I recall seeing this 
>> sort of thing being mentioned before, but I can't find the right 
>> google search to find the answers I need.
>> I've tried looking at mythbackend.log, and I can see events like:
>> mythbackend.20150602041856.1896.log:2015-06-02 22:55:02.094164 I 
>> [1896/2044] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:4130 (TuningNewRecorder) - TVRec[2]: 
>> rec->GetPathname(): '/DATA/MythTV.27/1009_20150602215500.mpg'
>> But not sure if that literally means tuner 2 was used to record the 
>> programme, or how to tie that back to the channel, programme etc.
>> Anyone know off the top of their head before I spend all afternoon 
>> trying to think of the correct search to find the old discussions.
>> Cheers
>> Gordon
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> Have a look at the recorded table in mythconverg
> Something like
>   select chanid,title, storagegroup,inputname,starttime,endtime from 
> recorded order by starttime;
> will give you a list assuming your tuners are named.

> Mike
> _______________________________________________

I don't know where you see that? I never saw anything like inputname
in recorded. And I just checked to be sure.

Tot mails,
  Hika                            mailto:hikavdh at gmail.com

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Zonder leven is er geen hoop
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