[mythtv-users] Emergency video debug

Ian Evans dheianevans at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 17:50:31 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Mike Hodson <mystica at gmail.com> wrote:

> Video card capacitor died?
> Monitor died?
> If you unplug the monitor cable from the computer do you get a flashing
> 'input disconnected' ,message of the monitors own creation?
> Any sounds? Smells? Sparks?

Monitor's fine. When we rebooted there was the flashing/bouncing "no video
source" message. Wife playing Wii on it right now. mother-in-law was
heading over to watch a 2hr recording so that plan is currently gone.

My budget's below $100 right now, so I'm open to suggestion (unless there's
any further software debugging I can do as I can't get to the box right now
to open it up.)
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