[mythtv-users] find_orphans and error?

Bill Meek keemllib at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 02:09:23 UTC 2015

On 01/22/2015 11:30 AM, paul wrote:
> On 21/01/15 21:22, Bill Meek wrote:
>> On 01/21/2015 02:23 PM, paul wrote:
>> ...
>>> Here is the paste you wanted.
>>> <String>MicroServer</String>
>>> Which is the correct name. However the printout from the other mysql command probably explains a lot.
>>> +-------------------+------+-------------+
>>> | value             | data | hostname    |
>>> +-------------------+------+-------------+
>>> | BackendServerPort | 6543 | NULL        |
>>> | BackendServerPort | 6543 | microserver |
>>> | BackendServerPort | 6543 | server      |
>>> | BackendServerPort | 6543 | vs          |
>>> | BackendServerPort | 6543 | vs server   |
>>> +-------------------+------+-------------+
>> Maybe trying a really simple python script will point to the problem. What does
>> this (saved as test.py, chmod 755 test.py and then ./test.py) print:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> from MythTV import MythDB
>> db = MythDB()
>> print 'Connected to DB OK using hostname: {}'.format(db.gethostname())
> Hi Bill
> Thank you for your help, here is the output of your script:-
> paul at MicroServer:~$ ./test.py
> Connected to DB OK using hostname: server

Interesting that the Services API returns 'MicroServer' but the Python bindings
returns 'server'

Based on your prompt (paul at MicroServer) you ran the script on your backend.

Could it be that your have 2 different config.xml files? Try this:

     diff ~mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml ~/.mythtv/config.xml

And to see if links are involved:

     ls -ld {~mythtv,~}/.mythtv/config.xml

All bets are off if you set $MYTHCONFDIR, in which case you need to look
at the files under that. I could be set in your backend startup script/
config etc. or in your own .profile or .bashrc etc.

The contents of: <LocalHostName>...</LocalHostName> would be especially


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