[mythtv-users] Slightly OT using IR Blaster in Sammie phones as remote control.

Max Hodgson max at mjhodgson.com
Fri Jan 16 14:51:45 UTC 2015

On 16 January 2015 at 14:33, Matt Emmott <memmott at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 4:22 AM, Another Sillyname <
> anothersname at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> @EricS
>> Because I also want to get it working with other devices which aren't
>> Network connected.....the objective is to try to see if I can
>> find/create a proper 'universal' remote rather then a family of
>> remotes which seem to be breeding faster the roaches.
>> Tony
> I use MythMote and it works well. I also use and recommend the Harmony
> Smart Control ($70 refurbed) with its phone app and RF remote for my other
> devices. I haven't tried it with the Myth FE yet because it's in my
> basement (HDMI-split to 5 screens across the house) and I have to drill
> another hole from my Living Room to get the IR blaster down there. But I'm
> getting off topic...
> To defend the questions, I'm a fan of as many points of ingress as
> possible. I also have a Samsung phone and hey, why not get the IR app
> working with Myth? That's why we build our own DVRs, right? Because we can?
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> I have an app called Smart Remote on my Samsung Note 3, this has a
database of remotes with it and there are entries for Microsoft Media
Centre(s) and Windows Media Centre. I can't see why these wouldn't work.

I don't currently use it for MythTV though, (I have a logitech harmony for
that). It's a good app and does also have a tasker plug-in if you are into
mega-automation.  On my mythtv I have the old Microsoft Media Centre
receiver. Will give Smart  remote a go later on my mythtv.

On the subject of Logitech Harmony, there is the Harmony Ultimate, which
includes the Harmony hub, this has an android app and the hub sends the IR.
There is also a 3rd party api which can control the hub from a
linux/windows command line.
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