[mythtv-users] Metadata for DVD discs

Preston Crow pc-mythtv13 at crowcastle.net
Mon Jan 12 20:56:22 UTC 2015

I'm ripping a bunch of my DVDs.  I like having the extra features, so 
I'm ripping to .iso files.  The goal is to put all the discs in storage 
(a file server was cheaper than an entertainment center to store them 
neatly by the TV).

For most of the discs, it's one movie per disc, so the metadata works 
out just fine.  However, for some, it's not one-to-one.  The Lord of the 
Rings has two movie discs and two extra features discs for each movie, 
but I don't see how to set up the metadata for each one.  I also have 
some "holiday classics" discs that have multiple shows on one disc.  
Likewise, I have some TV anthologies that are multiple episodes per disc 
(and a few that are selected best-ofs instead of a logical sequence).

Is there a good solution for this?

The best that I can think of for multi-disc movies is to set them all to 
be the movie, then edit them manually to say "Special features disc" or 
something like that.

I think what I really want is to use Amazon instead of TMDB for metadata 
in this case, so it's based on the actual disc.

I don't mind doing metadata lookup outside of Myth and then scripting it 
to tweak the database if need be.  With that in mind, when ripping, I'm 
saving the DVDID, UUID, and label for each in case I need it later 
(sticking them in a file in the .iso).  Is there anything else I should 
be saving for future metadata lookup?

I'm using dvdbackup/mkisofs for my ripping, so I'm hopefully dropping 
any junk that I don't need, but that means it's not a bit-for-bit copy, 
which could make future metadata lookups a pain without pulling the 
discs out of storage.

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