[mythtv-users] automatic power down fun and games

Tony Gould antonyjgould+myth at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 22:39:39 UTC 2015

I've always found this rather tricky to get working but worth the effort!
It works better when you're running myth welcome (because in mythwelcome it
will shut down in a minute or so when idle or whatever time you've
configured it, and when it boots to record a show automatically it boots to
mythwelcome, whereas if you boot manually it boots into mythtv itself), but
even in mythtv an idle system will eventually shut down.

I got it going using the mythtv wiki. If you have any specific issues let
me know, and I can try to dig out the settings I have on my backend, the
script I used, etc.

On 19 December 2015 at 01:36, blind Pete <0123peter at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi *,
> I've been running Mythbuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr reasonably
> successfully for a long time now.  MythTV version is 0.28-pre from a
> few weeks ago.  Now that the hot weather has set in (southern
> hemisphere) it is time to sort out automatic power down and power up.
> After considerable phaffing about and experimental coding, power up
> seems to be OK.  Power down still has me beaten.  Presumably there are
> lots of people on this list who have it working.  If a couple of
> responses say, "Yes, it does work on UEFI firmware" I will re-read
> <https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/ACPI_Wakeup> and
> <https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Mythwelcome> before I come back with more
> specific questions.  I have not actually played with Mythwelcome yet,
> it does not appear to be strictly necessary.
> There seem to be some oddities - at least on this system - or possibly
> I've just mis-understood things.  Comments and explanations for dummies
> welcome.
> Something clears the wake alarm setting occasionally.
> This is good...
> $ cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
> 1450569060
> $ date -d @$(cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm)
> Sun Dec 20 10:51:00 AEDT 2015
> But sometimes this happens...
> $ cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
> $ date -d @
> date: invalid date ‘@’
> It might be easier if it "cleared" to MAX-INT or even 0, but if you are
> alert to undefined variables here and there it is OK.  This could be a
> firmware issue and completely beyond our control.
> The firmware (?) does not seem to allow setting the alarm to any time
> in the past.  Is this a misguided safety feature?
> In Mythbuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 15.10 /etc/init/hwclock.conf
> and /etc/init/hwclock-save.conf contain a line like
> "exec hwclock [many parameters]".  After adding many echo to logfile
> lines and many reboots (in Mythbuntu 14.04) it seems that hwclock.conf
> is not executed, it is not leaving anything in my log file.  Is the OS
> supposed to execute it independent of MythTV?  More strangely execution
> of hwclock-save.conf stops at the "exec hwclock" line, but when the
> "exec" was deleted then hwclock ran (seemingly successfully) as did the
> rest of the commands in hwclock-save.conf!  I'm out of my depth here.
> I have also created /usr/local/bin/checklogin.sh that seems to be well
> behaved, but not called and /usr/local/bin/setwakeup.sh that seems well
> behaved except for some echoed comments about time to sleep.  It will
> be wrong for sleep times greater than 31 days (the length of January)
> and some time zone setups.  (Mine!)
> --
> testing
> bP
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