[mythtv-users] TMDB Meta Data Fetch Broken?

Hika van den Hoven hikavdh at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 04:34:38 UTC 2015

Hoi Mark,

Sunday, December 13, 2015, 4:11:16 AM, you wrote:

>> On 13 Dec 2015, at 12:09 pm, Jay Foster <jayf0ster at roadrunner.com> wrote:
>> I'm using mythbuntu 0.27 with the latest updates.
>> I am no longer able to fetch meta data for movies from TMDB.  I can use a web browser and the TMDB site is up and working.  I even edit the mythvideo entries to make the title exactly like it is on the TMDB site and even tried  adding the TMDB ID number, but mythvideo fails to find any metadata.
>> Did something break with the most recent mythbuntu update?
>> Jay
I can confirm as I issued the patch.

Tot mails,
  Hika                            mailto:hikavdh at gmail.com

"Zonder hoop kun je niet leven
Zonder leven is er geen hoop
Het eeuwige dilemma
Zeker als je hoop moet vernietigen om te kunnen overleven!"

De lerende Mens

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