[mythtv-users] when auto-commflagging doesn't

Jerome Yuzyk jerome at supernet.ab.ca
Tue Dec 8 22:57:28 UTC 2015

On Tuesday, December 08, 2015 05:28:17 PM faginbagin wrote:
> I see you didn't respond to my suggestions:
> http://lists.mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/2015-December/383536.html
> I would not expect a backend restart to help. It would interrupt 
> recordings in progress, not restart a commflagging job.

Oh, well, by the time I notice it's not flagged I'm already watching the program (that's how I noticed) and don't want to wait to re-flag.

I meant that a backend restart doesn't clear up whatever causes the failed flagging for future recordings, as sometimes helps for 0-byte recordings.

A little of Jerome's MythTV World: http://mythtv.bss.ab.ca
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