[mythtv-users] interface an Anrdoid STB with MythTV system?

James Miller gajs-f0el at dea.spamcon.org
Tue Dec 8 19:23:03 UTC 2015

On Tue, 8 Dec 2015, John Marshall wrote:

> Yes.  The Kodi wiki also has a guide:
> http://kodi.wiki/view/MySQL
> I don't know if it's relevant to you, but one thing not yet mentioned is that 
> mpeg2 support on these Android players is hit or miss.  You may get hardware 
> decoding, or it may be fast enough to do it w/CPU, or it may not and your HD 
> recordings could very well be unwatchable.

I don't have many HD recordings: a good deal of what I record is still in 
SD. So maybe this won't be a problem. Incidentally the specs for the 
device say CPU: Amlogic S812 AML8726-M8 Quad core Cortex A9@ 2GHz and 
SDRAM: 2GB DDR3, so maybe it would have the oomph for even HD decoding?

> As far as your original question, just enable the Myth PVR addon, then 
> configure the IP and services API PIN and you should be good to go. Kodi's UI 
> is different than MythFrontend but can do the job.
> http://kodi.wiki/view/MythTV_PVR

Thanks for the link. Would it be safe to say that, in the overall, 
integrating this device into my MythTV set-up would entail switching from 
using Myth frontend to the Kodi interface, with my current Myth machine 
becoming more or less a backend for that?

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