[mythtv-users] UK: tv_grab_uk_atlas swap over fail!

Paul Gardiner lists at glidos.net
Tue Sep 30 10:45:19 UTC 2014

I thought it was time I got around to swapping over from tv_grab_uk_rt
to tv_grab_uk_atlas. All seemed to go well, nice easy set up, except
it doesn't work :-( and I cannot figure what I've done wrong.

I registered and obtained an API key, and ran

  tv_grab_uk_atlas --configure

That produced $HOME/.xmltv/tv_grab_uk_atlas.conf with the new
mysterious four letter channel ids.

After that, running

  tv_grab_uk_atlas --quiet

seems to download the channel info. It also seems to pull down
the file 
so that it can translate the four letter ids to something like
the old ones, and the downloaded channel data does seem to mention
old style ids. I noticed that some of these were slightly different:
e.g., channel4.co.uk is now channel4.com, so I updated my mythconverg
channels table with the new values.

I then use the script below to fetch:


tv_grab_uk_atlas --quiet > $TEMPFILE
mythfilldatabase --update --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile $TEMPFILE
mythfilldatabase --update --file --sourceid 2 --xmlfile $TEMPFILE
mythfilldatabase --update --file --sourceid 3 --xmlfile $TEMPFILE

but I get no new data and I have only 11 days worth, which I assume
is from the last successful tv_grab_uk_rt fetch.

I see in the output loads of

"Unknown xmltv channel identifier:" even from ones that are clearly
in myth's channel table. What am I doing wrong? Is there somewhere
else myth keeps a list of these channels and checks against them?
I no longer have a Freeview.xmltv file, but I assume that file's
job is taken over by tv_grab_uk_atlas.conf.

Very confused.


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