[mythtv-users] mythtv dropping mysql???

Simon Hobson linux at thehobsons.co.uk
Tue Oct 21 19:53:25 UTC 2014

Rich Freeman <r-mythtv at thefreemanclan.net> wrote:

>> You'll still be able to access and modify your data--you'll just be able to
>> do it more easily and better than you can now.
> Uh, sure.  Right now I can change just about anything at will in the
> database.  Having to halt mythtv (aborting any recordings
> in-progress), then mess around with mysql tools absent a server
> doesn't really sound like an improvement.

But the whole premise is that you won't have to stop the backend - you'll use the provided tools. In theory you'll be able to do everything you do now, just using different tools that will protect the database.

If the tools provided support a scripted interface that's as "convenient" to use as many of us find SQL scripts then there's no problem. I do fear that providing a rich, scriptable interface that isn't so limiting that people feel the need to go back to direct access is a major task - it's either going to accept standard SQL but somehow validate it, or it's going to have to provide a whole query (and update) language of it's own which it will need to sanitise and translate.

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