[mythtv-users] High IO activity during recording

Thomas Börkel thomas at boerkel.de
Sun Nov 30 21:35:45 UTC 2014


On 30.11.2014 18:27, Gary Buhrmaster wrote:

> A contributor to high I/O loads might be
> fragmentation (either because the drive
> free space is low, or because of past
> activity that ended up with lots of small
> extents).

Yes, I checked the fragmentation and it's actually less on the system
with more IO. However, this disk also has more small files on it.
Defragmenting now...

> And, of course, check the log files
> and the smart values to make sure
> the drive is not throwing errors.

Smart is looking good.

Thanks for the advice. I'll report back about a possible effect of the


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