[mythtv-users] mythtv-backend service stops

Thomas Mashos thomas at mashos.com
Sun Nov 16 17:43:51 UTC 2014

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 2:56 AM, Jan Ceuleers <jan.ceuleers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/15/2014 09:14 PM, Roger Searle wrote:
>> Why does the backend service stop almost immediately?
> In order to answer this particular question (which may help you to
> diagnose the other issues you are facing), try running the backend
> manually from the cli instead of by starting it as a service. As a test,
> of course: I'm not suggesting that you always start the backend like
> this from now on.
> In order to make this test as relevant as possible, first find out how
> (i.e. with which command-line options) the backend is being started by
> looking at the relevant init script. On my 12.04 system, the following
> incantation achieves this:
> root at be:~# grep /usr/bin/mythbackend < /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf
>         LANG=$LANG exec /usr/bin/mythbackend --syslog local7 --user mythtv --daemon
> So then, still as root, start the backend as above (except for the
> --daemon bit) and watch its output:
> root at be:~# /usr/bin/mythbackend --syslog local7 --user mythtv
> The backend's output will tell you for sure, but I'll bet it'll start
> working if you remove options such as --nologserver and --enable-dblog
> if they are present. Because that's what happened to me recently
> (without upgrading to 14.04; a recent update from 0.27-fixes broke my
> backend in the same way as your report until I removed those options
> from my init script).
> HTH, Jan
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Why would we suggest doing anything until we look at the
/var/log/mythtv/mythtv-backend.log file? And why would we suggest
running the backend as root, instead of the user that it is configured
to run as which in this case is the mythtv user (which I suppose would
help if it's a permission issue, but how do you know if it's a
permission issue if you don't look at any logs)?

Roger, what about this. You said that

"The mysql service will NOT start if I have bind-address = static IP
address, it will only start if set to"

and also this

"In mythtv-setup I have set the machine's static IP address for both
the local backend and master backend."

It would seem to me that the backend is attempting to connect to the
the MySQL database at it's static IP address, but MySQL is only
listening on localhost. I would suggest either looking at the mysql
logs to see why it's not starting when set to listen on the static IP
address (looking in /var/log/mysql/ or possibly
/var/log/upstart/mysql*) or setting the backend to look for the DB on
localhost rather than the static IP address (since it sounds like this
is a single system setup, this would work fine in production)


Thomas Mashos

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