[mythtv-users] (Slightly ot) mce remote stops responding

Chris Simmons cps-mythtv-users at corefiling.co.uk
Thu Nov 13 16:38:30 UTC 2014

I've upgraded my frontend from fedora 19 to fedora 20 and something odd 
has happened with the MCE remote.  It works fine initially then at some 
point (often after waking from suspend) it will initially work but after 
a few key presses just stop responding.  The light still flashes on the 
receiver, lsusb still shows it, everything looks normal but nothing 
comes out.  I've not found any errors being logged anywhere yet either 
which doesn't give me much to go on.

The closest thing I've found is this below, similar symptoms in that 
plugging it into a different port will fix things (until it occurs 
again).  I've turned off usb autosuspend but that didn't fix things.  
Note that the machine doesn't have USB 3 ports.


Any ideas?

The only think I can think of is to try making it rmmod the mceusb 
driver on suspend and see if that helps.


Chris Simmons.

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