[mythtv-users] camping/ rvining

Anthony Giggins seven at seven.dorksville.net
Wed Nov 12 22:17:13 UTC 2014

On 13 November 2014 02:57, Karl Newman <newmank1 at asme.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 8:32 AM, jacek burghardt <
> jaceksburghardt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I hope someone can create patch that would create remote option
>> for fronted. That would be nice for remote location cabin/ rv /camping or
>> family. It would be nice if the recording had option to download new
>> recordings over internet.
>> Portable laptop with linux installation   verizon modem
>> I'm really hoping that functionality could make it to the Android
> frontend--the ability to 'pin' recordings for offline use, optionally with
> transcoding (maybe using the HLS feature, if it supports that). I wish I
> had some time to contribute, because that would be a killer feature.
> Karl
> I use Mythexport to transcode to mp4 after removing the commercials which
adds them to an RSS feed which my phone automatically refreshes and
downloads for offline play, currently I use the Apple podcast App but I
would assume there are other apps that can do this?
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