[mythtv-users] MobileMyth v.7 Released - Better Late Than Never

Jon Heizer jheizer at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 03:38:05 UTC 2014

Repo is live.  If you are using a hand installed version you will first
need to remove the apache configs to disable the old version.  You can also
remove the old folder with the site files as it will all go in a different
place now.  If you want to keep all your settings save the site folder
until after you have completed the new install and then copy all of the
.xml files in the website/App_Data folder to /etc/mobilemyth/

To active it add to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://repo.mobilemyth.net/ repository/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mobilemyth

All the errors that had been reported have also been fixed.  With this all
working now I'll try to release smaller updates more often.

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