[mythtv-users] MBE deadlocks and Possible SSDP Reflection attempt

Bill Meek keemllib at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 23:08:49 UTC 2014

On 11/10/2014 01:54 PM, Dave Badia wrote:
 > I see a ton of these in my MBE logs, although I can't necessarily correlate
> these with the SBE freezes/errors:
> SDP ssdp.cpp:339 (ProcessData) - SSDP Request from WAN IP address
> ( Possible SSDP Reflection attempt. Ignoring as security risk.
> Anyone else seeing this with recent 27-fixes b305eb5 or later?

I don't see the above, but saw 1 other person reporting it. The commit
you mention was the one that added tests that allow (IPv4) Private
Network addresses only for *SSDP*



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