[mythtv-users] HDPVR problems: Bad device?

John P Poet jppoet at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 23:06:53 UTC 2014

On Mon Nov 03 2014 at 2:36:24 PM Rod Smith <mythtv at rodsbooks.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently acquired a new Hauppauge HD-PVR (model 1212, so it should be
> compatible) from an eBay seller. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be
> working, so I thought I'd ask for advice. I've followed the setup
> procedure in the wiki (https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_HD-PVR),
> and am using the recommended hdpvr_1.7.1.30059 firmware. I've connected
> the component output from my Motorola cable STB to the HD-PVR, and I
> know the Motorola STB box works, since when I connect the cables
> directly to my TV, I get a picture. When I connect a second set of
> cables from the HD-PVR to the TV (which should produce a pass-through
> image, if I understand correctly), I get no picture. In MythTV, I get
> 0-length recordings. I've also tried connecting the HD-PVR to a Windows
> laptop. The Hauppauge Windows application works fine with the laptop's
> built-in webcam, but it produces a blank image when told to use the
> HD-PVR as a source.

First thing is to double check that you have hooked it up correctly.  The
inputs are one the bottom row, and the outputs are on the top row of the
HD-PVR.   Make sure all the connectors are seated well.  If everything is
hooked up correctly, and passthrough is not working, then you either have a
defective unit, or bad cables.

Second, is to make sure you have the correct audio input selected in
mythtv-setup.  It uses the audio to 'synchronize' the input rate, and if
there is no audio, it will refuse to record.  This only affects recording,
and should not impact the pass-through, though.

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