[mythtv-users] PVR-150/300/500 HVR-1600 commflag workaround

Carl Hunter cdhunter2 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 3 18:34:07 UTC 2014

On 11/2/2014 4:24 PM, faginbagin wrote:
> I think I know why commflagging isn't working on recordings made using these analog tuners. And I have a workaround. If, when you run the mythcommflag command from the command line, you get a lot of errors like this:
> 2014-11-02 16:09:46.253190 E  decoding error
>                          eno: Unknown error 541478725 (541478725)
> it's probably because you've got a bad record in the recordedseek table for that recording, something like this:
> chanid  starttime   mark    offset  type
> 2005    2014-11-02 07:00:00 0   4294967146  9
> It's supposed to be the offset of the first frame (mark=0) and should be a very small number. I haven't figured out where this bogus offset comes from, but you should be able to work around it by rebuilding the seek table for each affected recording. For example:
> mythcommflag --file <storage-directory>/filename.mpg --rebuild
> Once you've done that, commercial flagging should work, and should work better with my patches from:
> https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/12308
> I'm now going to hunt down where that bogus offset comes from, but a fix probably won't help existing recordings. You'll need to rebuild the seek table for those.
> HTH,
> Helen

Thanks so much for looking into this.  The --rebuild fixed the 
mythcommflag "crash" for me.  Once I do that I can then run the original 
mythcommflag on my recordings and it will finish.  It still doesn't find 
any commercials which I now believe to be normal.  Once I apply your 
commflag improvements and run the new version of mythcommflag I now get 
flagged commercials.  I haven't had flagged commercials on SD content 
since 2012.  I tried this all out on my "live" system.  I'm a little 
chicken to try your casting change to fix new recordings since I'm not 
really sure what myth programs all get touched with that change.  Sounds 
like there's more investigation into that one any ways.

Thanks again for all your work.  My wife, parents and in-laws will be 
very happy when this all gets committed.


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