[mythtv-users] mythtv plex integration

David Whyte david.whyte at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 22:57:26 UTC 2014

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:10 AM, jacek burghardt <jaceksburghardt at gmail.com>

> I wonder if anyone has a script that will convert mythtv recordings into
> mp4 and export them to show storage where plex can stream it to my
> cellphones.
I have done both of what has been suggested here:
1) Use the MythTV Plex Channel.  Works great, the metadata is all present
but it seems a bit slow to navigate since you have to hop through Plex ->
mythTV Services API all the time.
2) Use mythlink.py to put user friendly names of my recordings in a special
'mythTV TV Shows' library.  This is quicker to navigate but you don't get
the same metadata since Australian listings don't include season numbers
correctly, etc.

I have thought about a third option, creating a special mythTV 'parser'
that Plex can use.  This would mean you would have a 'mythTV TV Shows'
library that just references your recordings storage group and then Plex
uses the new parser to lookup the meta-data from the Services API.  Best of
both worlds.

My three annoyances with any of these solutions:
1) You can't watch in progress recordings.
2) You can't watch liveTV (though I use a separate Plex Channel for this)
3) Seeking within recordings seems to be slower than native mythTV which is
so quick it has spoilt us all.

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