[mythtv-users] MythMusic + Default Tree View

Paul Harrison mythtv at sky.com
Fri Mar 7 23:19:22 UTC 2014

On 06/03/14 17:01, Troy Henderson wrote:
> Jonatan,
> First of all, I would like to thank you again for the patch. It is 
> EXACTLY what I wanted.
> Second, I want to apologize for misspelling your first name in my 
> previous message.
> Third, I would like to know why this feature is not (and has not been) 
> the default action for MythMusic upon entering MythMusic.  That is, 
> why did/does MythMusic start playing immediately without explicityly 
> being told to play.
> Fourth, will this patch be applied to subsequent releases of 
> MythMusic, or will I have to continue to patch each time I upgrade?
> Thanks again,
> Troy

It would be great if everyone wanted things to work the same way but you 
just can't assume that the way you want MythMusic to work is how 
everyone else wants it to work. Most people actually want MythMusic to 
resume playback as soon as you enter the music screens which seems 
perfectly logical to me if I enter a music playback screen it's probably 
because I want to play some music!

The patch has is will piss of those who want MythMusic to work the way 
it always has AFAIK and that is to start playing as soon as you enter 
the music playback screens. I'll change it so 'Off' does not resume 
playback but add a new 'First' resume mode to preserve the existing 
behaviour for those who want it.

Paul H.

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