[mythtv-users] 10 Years of MythTV. :)
Martin Bene
Martin.Bene at icomedias.com
Tue Jun 3 20:25:36 UTC 2014
Almost there myself; unfortunately I don't have usable statistics - oldrecorded table got wiped recently so the numbers are currently available recordings, not historical data.
Number of shows: 2542
Number of episodes: 6911
First recording: Sunday, December 5 2004
Last recording: Tuesday June 3rd, 2014
Total Space: 26,003,751 MB
Space Used: 23,227,564 MB
Space Free: 2,776,186 MB
Space Available After Auto-expire: 13,444,833 MB
4 DVB-S2 receivers (2x TBS 6981)
Bye, Martin
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