[mythtv-users] Schedules Direct TBA Listings

Daryl McDonald darylangela at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 18:13:02 UTC 2014

On Jul 17, 2014 1:20 PM, "Robert Kulagowski" <rkulagow at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Gary Buhrmaster
> <gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Robert Kulagowski <rkulagow at gmail.com>
> > ...
> >> Please contact me at rkulagow at gmail.com if you'd like to participate
> >> in the beta.
> >
> > While it has been some time since I looked, and the
> > beta was an interesting proof of concept, it had a fatal
> > flaw (putting my DBA hat on) where it overloaded the
> > mythconverg database for an application that should
> > have been independent of MythTV itself.  Has the
> > more recent betas moved to a standalone grabber
> > database (perhaps using a standalone sqlite db if you
> > did not want to require a full mysql stack)?  If not,
> > what is the schedule for doing so?
> The raw JSON for schedules and programs is downloaded and put into
> their own tables in mythconverg. The JSON is then processed and the
> appropriate fields in channels, videosource, etc are updated, then a
> reschedule is sent to mythbackend.
> The JSON contains more data than can be accommodated in the existing
> schema, so it's stored in case someone wants to implement support for
> the extra fields. (Programs have recommendations "If you like 'this',
> you may also want to schedule 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'")
> The grabber can be used in "grabber only" mode as a starting point for
> other developers who just want to download the JSON data and process
> it themselves; not everyone runs MythTV. I don't have plans for sqlite
> at this point because it's pretty much a MythTV-specific proof of
> concept.
> I don't plan on doing much more client-side at this point because I'm
> working on the next server API which will include support for images
> and other metadata. You'll be able to query a particular programID and
> get back images for that program; no more trying to do metadata
> lookups based on guessing from the title / subtitle.
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With regards to " dd--grab-all being the default setting, couldn't the
individual system upon sensing it's own low power, then revert to previous
default? Forgive my newbie ignorance, but if possible this seems a simpler
work around.
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