[mythtv-users] mythvideo fails to retrieve video details (OS X application)

Greg Vickers daehenoc at iinet.net.au
Tue Jul 8 05:51:57 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I've got a working Linux backend/frontend setup and an OS X laptop. I've 
installed the MythFrontend on my OS X laptop and it works great :)  But 
when I try to use my frontend on my OS X laptop, the interface says 
"Failed to retrieve details for ..."

I run the app from the a terminal and in the logs I see:
2014-07-08 15:40:46.445441 I  Running Grabber: 
-l en -a AU -M Title Here
2014-07-08 15:40:46.586980 I  Metadata Lookup Failed: Title Here 0 0
2014-07-08 15:40:46.593535 I  No results found for Title Here 0 0

This is what happens for any video file, not just one called 'Title 
Here'.  I run the tmdb3.py from the terminal and I get:
$ ./tmdb3.py -l en -a AU -M Title Here 0 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./tmdb3.py", line 303, in <module>
   File "./tmdb3.py", line 262, in main
     from MythTV.tmdb3 import set_key, set_cache, set_locale
ImportError: No module named MythTV.tmdb3

I'm guessing from some posts that I've found that I'm missing the 
MythTV.tmdb3 module in Python, but I don't know if I should install this 
manually in python (I assume in the appropriate OS X way), or if it 
should be managed via the MythFrontend application - which approach will 
lead to a working mythvideo process?



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