[mythtv-users] dp_backups

Martin Moores moores.martin at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 20:03:29 UTC 2014

On 12 April 2014 20:58, Daryl McDonald <darylangela at gmail.com> wrote:

> db_backups happen automatically, so there after you go in manually and
> run rsync?

My db backups and rsyncs from from crontab, which looks something like this:

00 02 * * * /usr/share/mythtv/mythconverg_backup.pl --verbose
30 02 * * * rsync -av --delete /media/media/Other/db_backups/
00 03 * * * rsync -av --delete /media/media/Other/db_backups/

I have a "backuprc" file setup also, stating number of backups to keep,
passwords etc.  But guess you already have that if your backups are working

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