[mythtv-users] More schedules direct problems

Bill Meek keemllib at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 13:47:00 UTC 2014

On 04/02/2014 08:04 AM, Will Dormann wrote:
> My mythfilldatabase.log file is present but empty.  How do I fix this?

With mythtv-setup, see if the entry for 'Guide data program' shows a
full path, or just mythfilldatabase. This seems to be a cross between
an Easter egg* and a bug, but the logging options will only be passed
from mythbackend to mythfilldatabase if its full path *isn't* used.

Note that the help text is clear about what to enter:

     "Use 'mythfilldatabase' or the name of a custom "
     "script that will populate the program guide info "
     "for all your video sources."

Ref: https://code.mythtv.org/cgit/mythtv/tree/mythtv/programs/mythbackend/backendhousekeeper.cpp#n612

[The Easter egg being that if anything other than the recommended
  choice is used, logging can be disabled.]


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