[mythtv-users] Moving xmltv data 1 hour back on one channel

Karl Dietz dekarl at spaetfruehstuecken.org
Sat Sep 7 09:22:10 UTC 2013

On 02.09.2013 18:49, zag FP wrote:

> Is there a way to extract the data from the +1 channel, shift the data
> back one hour and merge them in the original .xml with a different name?

Why not simply fix the grabber so it does the right thing for everyone?

Is that grabber part of the main xmltv project? If so you might get
support by telling us the grabber (and version) you are using, which
channel is missing and what channel is present.

Depending on the upstream it might be even easier to simply send a nice
mail upstream to tell the provider about the wrong data.


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