[mythtv-users] Making a recording no longer damaged

Darwin O'Connor doconno at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 19:04:41 UTC 2013

I've been using the Import Test Recorder and script to record using
HDPVRCapture on a Mac.

One problem I'm finding is that all the recordings are marked damaged (They
appear in yellow) and it tries to record them again. I think this happens
because it take more then 10 seconds for the file to appear after it should
have started because of how long HDPVRCapture takes to start recording.
This 10 second limit is hardcoded.

I tried setting duplicate to 1 and changing recstatus from -9 to -3 in
oldrecorded. This seems to keep it from recording again but it still
appears yellow. What is the best way to make a recording undamaged.

In an unrelated question, in which table are the stored searches stored?
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