[mythtv-users] Clear screensaver

Phil Wild phil at holobyte.com.au
Wed Jun 26 13:36:32 UTC 2013

On 26 June 2013 17:46, Martin Moores <moores.martin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 26 June 2013 01:51, Phil Wild <phil at holobyte.com.au> wrote:
>>> I would use irexec to run "xscreensaver-command -deactivate".  Can't
>>> think of any reason not to use irexec.
> Just wanted to hop on the end of this question.  I have an irexec command
> mapped to a button on my remote,  It works fine, but only if I start irexec
> manually first.  What's the best way to get this running on boot in Ubuntu,
> so it is ready and listening for commands?
> I've put "/usr/bin/irexec -d" in startup applications without sucess.
To get it to work I edited


and added the following (two unused buttons) followed by a reboot(not sure
if needed but rebooted anyways).
I am running 12.04 ubuntu with devinput for lirc.

    remote = devinput
    prog = irexec
    button = KEY_RADIO
    config = xscreensaver-command -deactivate
    repeat = 0
    delay = 0
    remote = devinput
    prog = irexec
    button = KEY_MEDIA
    config = xscreensaver-command -activate
    repeat = 0
    delay = 0
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