[mythtv-users] Help!!

John Veness John.Veness.mythtv at pelago.org.uk
Tue Jun 25 09:22:08 UTC 2013

On 25/06/2013 10:12, lee perry wrote:
> Hi All,
> Excuse my ignorance with all the techy stuff but I am in need of
> assistance?
> Currently have mythdora 0.22 on my the system which was built for me. No
> longer has access to this persons knowledge for fix!
> System was running, attempted to load new data via main computer,
> wouldn't allow access , displayed error and then lost all icons on
> desktop. I shut down and rebooted but just brings up black screen with
> cursor??
> Have attempted ctrl-alt- F6/F7 with no luck.
> Any ideas as what may have occured?

Your problem description is a little vague, but it doesn't sound like a 
problem specific to MythTV, more like a problem with the PC or with the 
OS in general. You might want to try and find help on a general Linux 
forum, or a Fedora forum, or get physical hands on help from someone. 
Good luck!



John Veness, MythTV user, UK, DVB-T

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