[mythtv-users] Raspberry PI as backend slave or tvheadend

Tyler T tylernt at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 16:36:48 UTC 2013

>>As someone already mentioned though, the Pi's NIC is on the shared USB
>>bus so you may have I/O issues recording multiple HD streams.
> I doubt that bandwidth is likely to be an issue. After all, DVB-T muxes
> tend to be something like 16 to 24 Mbps

What you say is true, however on my Sheevaplug sometimes I see what
look to be excessively high I/OWait times in 'top'. I don't know
enough about internal kernel workings to really speculate why this
happens, but it does seem to be more complex than just Mbps used vs.
Mbps available.

In my case, it could just be a braindead chipset in the cheap crappy
USB->SATA enclosure I use for my hard drive.

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