[mythtv-users] HLS take advantage of GPU?

George Nassas gnassas at mac.com
Sun Jun 2 02:07:02 UTC 2013

On 2013-06-01, at 8:55 PM, Craig Treleaven <ctreleaven at cogeco.ca> wrote:

> Thanks for the real-world input, George.  So, I was apparently having a wild fantasy about real-time transcoding up to three streams on a single processor.  So, when you pre-encode, you'll watch the resulting file either on a full-fledged frontend or via HLS on an iDevice?

I have an ipad 1 and a 3 and I also watch on the second monitor of my MacBook Pro in a safari window. Apple's hardware is really optimized for h.264, none of the devices even break a sweat during playback. It's a good way to watch recordings. The regular myth FE always seems to spin the fans up on my MBP.

- George

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