[mythtv-users] No network: no frontend

Joseph Fry joe at thefrys.com
Fri Sep 14 13:09:48 UTC 2012

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Bob Long <bob at oblong.com.au> wrote:

> Michael Watson wrote,
>  What OS / Distribution?
> Sorry. Ubuntu 12.04.
>  I know Ubuntu in default setup, uses Network Manager to start wireless
>> networks, and thus the wireless network does not start until the user
>> has logged in, thus the backend will not be listening on the wireless as
>> it was not available when it started.   You can configure the wireless
>> in /etc/network/interfaces so it comes up when computer is booted.
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/**community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo#**
>> Adding_it_to_.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-**network.2BAC8-interfaces<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo#Adding_it_to_.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-network.2BAC8-interfaces>
> Auto login, and wireless normally starts automatically, too. So normally,
> no problem. But sometimes (I think the router is dodgy) wireless drops out
> and even though it's static IP, when that happens there is no active IP
> address. In this case, I'll be addressing the router issue.
> But that lead me to wonder, in general, if MythTV can be made to run
> standalone with no network connection. Others have suggested using
> localhost/, but I've not tried that. (I know that would defeat
> the many advantages of MythTV with multiple frontends, remote access, etc.)

Having the backend and mysql listening on the loopback adapter doesn't
preclude you from also listening on any available network adapters.  Just
for the local frontend sake, I would use the local loopback to eliminate
the requirement of having the network up and running.
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