[mythtv-users] MythTV and power cuts

Tim Phipps phipps-hutton at sky.com
Thu Jun 14 16:33:05 UTC 2012

Quoting Rajil Saraswat <rajil.s at gmail.com>:
> Scenario 1
> 1. Run FE/BE locally on the machine with access to tv cards, readonly
> rootfs and a rw partition for the video files.
> 2. Run mysql server remotely on a server abroad hosted on VPN. MySQL
> server thus will never see power failures.
> Scenario 2
> 1. Run FE/BE locally on the machine with access to tv cards, readonly
> rootfs and a rw partition for the video files.
> 2. Mysql db on the rw partition as well. Mysql db should be replaced
> by a previous working backup on power restoration.
> In either scenario, I dont really care if i loose the video recordings
> or the mythtv database. The advantage of scenario 2 over 1 is that
> mythtv will continue to work even though there is no internet.

3. Everything on one machine with EXT4 for root and video partitions  
with barriers enabled. This is what I'm using and although power cuts  
are rare, I've had a few dozen without any corruption of filesystems  
or databases.


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