[mythtv-users] mythweb preview images

Scott Knight scott at scottknight.com
Tue Jun 12 17:31:41 UTC 2012

on 6/12/2012 12:44 PM Michael Drons carved the following into a picnic 
> mythweb is not generating the preview image under the recorded programs.
> I am not even sure where to begin to look.  Is this a mythweb issue, 
> php issue, apache issue??
> Where should I start to look?

When I upgraded from 0.24 to 0.25 last week, I noticed the same thing.  
When I tried to run mythpreviewgen from the command line (replicating 
commands I saw in the logs) to see what it was actually doing, it 
crashed.  A quick ldd showed it looking for a bunch of files in /usr/lib 
with many of them having 0.24 in the name (all dated around 
mid-December).  No idea where they came from or why they didn't get 
removed when I upgraded.  I don't currently have, nor have ever 
installed, any 32-bit packages on my machines.  They are old enough that 
I don't think they are a result of the current 0.24-bijou to 0.25 
upgrade...possibly from a test build from source that I did trying to 
get the ceton card working before the bijou packages were released.  Not 
one of them reports as being owned by a package and removing them fixed 
the problem.  Not saying this is your problem, but it's a pretty good 
place to start.

A couple of commands to at least let you validate the libraries 
(provided you are using an rpm-based system):
ldd /usr/bin/mythpreviewgen
for FILE in `find /lib* /usr/lib* -type f`; do rpm -q --whatprovides 
$FILE|grep "not owned"; done

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