[mythtv-users] Mythtranscode, custom output directory

Martin Moores moores.martin at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 12:35:21 UTC 2012

Just wanted to bring this one up again, as I have not got any further in
the time since I posted this.

I did stumble across transcode stub (
http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Transcode_wrapper_stub), which takes jobids for
recording input.

Part of this script is:

#### probably need to adjust this one too ####
        output = task('"%s"' % infile,
                      '"%s"' % outfile)

But I did not fully understand what to change exactly, to edit the
"outfile" so the path was pointing to my videos directory.



On 7 May 2012 12:35, Martin Moores <moores.martin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just got Mythtranscode working great with --honourcutlist (just some
> random purple bars at the start of the video).
> Anyway, this is what I run from the command line:
> mythtranscode -i /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1004_20120219212500.mpg -o
> /home/user/Desktop/test.mpg --honorcutlist -p MPEG2
> Which is fine, but I would like to run this from within myth and to have
> the output file go to a custom location, rather than the recordings
> directory, so I have set up a user job with the following:
> mythtranscode -i %DIR%%FILE% -o
> /media/media/Videos/Transcoded/%TITLE%-%SUBTITLE% --honorcutlist -p MPEG2
> But it doesn't seem to do anything, I am guessing I can't have %DIR%%FILE%
> next to each other like that?  I can't see the job start or fail in the
> backend logs.
> I am possibly going about this the wrong way, so any pointers
> appreciated.  I have considered using Mythvideoexport, but I want my cuts
> transcoded out, rather than just copying the cutlist over
> Cheers
> Martin
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