[mythtv-users] Live TV playback frustration

Adrian Saul sgtbundy at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 05:29:07 UTC 2012

On 19/08/2012 8:06 AM, Nick Rout wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Adrian Saul <sgtbundy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A side issue that is still bugging me.  On the main frontend I get a blank
>> screen with "Please Wait" while it buffers up after you pick a recording to
>> watch.  On the other frontend I get a really long pause to start playback
>> and no feedback that the button was pressed i.e no blank screen or "please
>> wait", just sitting in the selection screen not doing anything.   Odd as
>> both are set to VDPAU with both Nvidia GPUs (Ion330 and 8400GS) and I can't
>> find any frontend config options that would affect the behaviour.  Any ideas
>> where this would be coming from?  At least getting the feedback of "Please
>> wait" would be good as at the moment we don't even know if the remote worked
>> or not.
> Theme?

Bingo - I was using mythcenter-wide on it, switched to the MythBuntu 
theme and now I get the please wait screen - Thanks.

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