[mythtv-users] Myth 0.26 Wakes up late

jksj jksj.baker at ntlworld.com
Fri Aug 10 13:09:30 UTC 2012

First post so be gentle:-) .
While testing [v0.26-beta-9-g8c551e6] on Ubunu 12.04, I note that the 
machine wakes up  later than it should to record. I suspect that the 
recent changes to UTC have not made it into mythshutdown. Mythbackend 
log shows the following.

> Aug 10 10:05:37 tv mythlogserver: mythbackend[1461]: N Scheduler 
> scheduler.cpp:2947 (ShutdownServer) Running the command to set the 
> next scheduled wakeup time :-#012#011#011#011#011#011#011sudo 
> mythshutdown --setwakeup 2012-08-10T11:15:00
> Aug 10 10:05:38 tv mythlogserver: mythbackend[1461]: N Scheduler 
> scheduler.cpp:2974 (ShutdownServer) Running the command to shutdown 
> this computer :-#012#011#011#011#011#011#011mythshutdown --shutdown
> Aug 10 12:16:10 tv mythlogserver: mythbackend[1875]: C thread_unknown 
> mythcommandlineparser.cpp:2545 (ConfigureLogging) mythbackend version: 
> master [v0.26-beta-9-g8c551e6] www.mythtv.org
The programme was due to start at 11:25 and I have set the backend to 
wakeup 10 mins prior to program start. Wake up time was correctly set to 
11:15 but the backend actually started at 12:16. This mechanism works 
fine with myth 0.25.
Note that this anomaly only affects startup, programs are scheduled at 
the correct time when the backend is already up.

Time zones are set correctly. I am located in the UK.
> mysql> SELECT CONVERT_TZ('2012-08-10 12:45', 'GB', 'America/New_York');
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | CONVERT_TZ('2012-08-10 12:45', 'GB', 'America/New_York') |
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2012-08-10 07:45:00                                      |
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.10 sec)
By the way, I could not get the method stated in the wiki, for importing 
time zone data, to work. Had to use :-
> tv at tv:~$ mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql

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