[mythtv-users] Mysql problems

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Sun Aug 5 03:57:05 UTC 2012

On 08/04/2012 09:43 PM, Chris Nicholls wrote:
> Morning everyone,
> I have a problem that I'm after advise. Short version, one HD died, 
> caused problems, now removed, corrupted DB. Running myth_optimize_db 
> rapidy fills the harddisk to 100% and stops. It looks like logging.MYD 
> and logging.TMD now fill the disk. Total size for mythconverg is 5.3G. 
> Is this correct and what can I do?

A TMD file is a temporary MySQL data file that's used when rebuilding 
indices or repairing tables.  It sounds like (and makes sense that) your 
logging table was corrupted, so it's trying to repair it, but you don't 
have enough space for it to complete the repair.

As a workaround, try:

mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'TRUNCATE TABLE logging;'

and if it completes successfully, delete any orphaned TMD file, then 
re-try the repair.


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