[mythtv-users] MythTV on a laptop

Alex Feldman grizdog at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 00:46:21 UTC 2011


I'm new to MythTV, never installed it anywhere and I am interested in
putting it on a laptop.  I found some things in the archive but they
were almost all pretty old so I'd like to see if there are any new ideas.

First off, if this is just a terrible idea, please let me know.  I have
in IBM (no, not Lenovo) ThinkPad, model A30 which superficially looks
adequate.  It has a VGA port and a 9 pin squid that I have used for
S-video output before.

I need a USB digital tuner card.  The old threads on this list mention
the Plextor ConvertX, but that appears to be outmoded.  If there are any
new ideas on a good unit to use, I'd like to hear them.  Is there any
other hardware I need, assuming the disk drive and memory are up to the

I know that everything would work better with a newer box, but this is
as much about finding something to do with a superannuated laptop as it
is to make a media center.  If that is really a Quixotic quest, please
let me know.



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