[mythtv-users] Seriously need help fixing new setup

steve networks1 at cox.net
Mon Nov 21 12:42:28 UTC 2011

On 11/20/2011 8:57 PM, R. G. Newbury wrote:
>> I have run the setup program, all the way through as you suggest,
>> however as I said in an earlier post there is something weird going on
>> with that and frontend where there are getting bogged down.  For setup
>> that means when I get done with a section it sometimes does not always
>> go back out to the main menu.  In particular, on input setup after I
>> finish the section and escape to get back to the main menu, it goes to a
>> blank beige screen, sits there for a while, then writes the time in a
>> small white box at the lower right and puts empty small white box at the
>> center top of the screen.  This is not normal judging by past setups.
>> It sits there with no disk activity that I can tell.  After a while I
>> get tired of waiting and hit escape to get back to the menu.  Sometimes
>> it does that and sometimes it exits out completely.  Maybe this is why
>> the input setup is not getting written.
> You should not have to (nor should you) 'escape' from any section of the
> setup program. Use the 'Next' and 'Finish' buttons in the bottom right.
> If any page hangs, it probably means that mythtv-setup is trying to
> contact the mysqld server. The setup program basically just captures
> your selections and writes to the database.
On both capture cards and input connections, when you enter you get a 
list of the connections and a link to create new ones and delete old 
ones.  When you create a new one or edit an existing one, there is a 
finish button, but it takes you back to the list.  The only way out of 
those list screens is to hit escape.  This is where the strange behavior 
I described occurs.

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