[mythtv-users] Remote Transcoding

P. Laflamme twologic at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 01:52:49 UTC 2011


I've got my first MythTV setup working recently and I have to say I'm
quite impressed. Very nice piece of software!

I have a lightweight setup on a ZBOX Nano and am quite happy with it.
Except that it can't handle commflagging nor transcoding without
affecting LiveTV. So I've setup mythjobqueue on another machine that
will offload my ZBOX. I've just come to realize that it won't
transcode recordings unless these are available from the local
filesystem (NFS mount or whatever). I can set this up, but I find
myself wondering why this is required at all? I mean MythTV already
makes great use of the local network (commflagging, remote frontends,
etc.), so why isn't remote transcoding possible?

Couldn't the slave simply upload the result back to the backend after
transcoding locally?


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