[mythtv-users] Comcast CableCard Info

Ken Truesdale kat at tiac.net
Fri Jul 22 01:55:27 UTC 2011

> The instructions in the self install kit has this note:
> 	Once cable card is installed, do not remove and/or reseat card
>        as this will alter the Data ID number
> The Data ID number is one of the three numbers that need to be phoned in
> to Comcast to activate the card.  The other two are the CableCard S/N
> and the Host ID number.
> It sounds like the card has to be reactivated each time it gets moved,
> which could be a problem if the card originally was in a rented STB.

My Ceton arrived today and I'm going to try and get the cable card process started tomorrow.  I read through The OP's blog post but my local Comcast office number is intentionally not listed.  The only number to dial here in the Boston area is the 800COMCAST main number.  When I tried asking about cable card yesterday the tech support people didn't know what a Ceton was and said it wasn't on their approved list.  He also told me that the process is to put in my order for the cable card by calling on the phone and a tech will come to the house to do the install.  So I'm looking for advice on how to deal with Comcast...

Has anyone done a self-install cable card with Comcast or do you need the $16 tech site visit for the install?  Can I just show up at my local Comcast center and ask for a cable card or will they laugh at me - do they really need to be special ordered as I was told?  If I need to tell Comcast by phone or at their office about the device it is going in, do I say "Ceton" or do I say "TiVo" just so they don't shut me down?  

If I do need a tech site visit, will the tech install in a home built PC with a Ceton card in it?  Does the system need to be booted in Windows or will they do it with Linux?  Can I set up the Ceton in a different windows computer and move it to my Linux Myth box or does it need to stay in the same PC after it gets authorized?  (In other words, do I need to bring windows to my Myth box or can I bring the Ceton to my windows computer temporarily?)  

Anything else I'm not thinking to ask!?  Thanks!!


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