[mythtv-users] Different frontends can't play the same video using the Internal player

Milomak milomak at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 16:18:15 UTC 2011


I am having a problem with watching videos using the Internal player on 2
of my frontends. Both happen to have onboard nVidia cards (both GeForce
8200) . On my one frontend with a nVidia GTX295, the videos play without
issue. All 3 systems run Debian Unstable. The problematic video plays when
using mplayer2 on the affected systems.

I have manually checked the nvidia related packages (dpkg -l | grep nvidia)
and except for the 64-bit having ia32 packages, they run the same packages
and same versions.Also using the same version of mythvideo.

$ dpkg -l | grep nvidia
ii  glx-alternative-nvidia
 0.2.0                              allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX
ii  libgl1-nvidia-alternatives
 290.10-1                           transition libGL.so* diversions to
ii  libgl1-nvidia-alternatives-ia
32                                       290.10-1
simplifies replacing MESA libGL with GPU vendor libraries (32-bit)
ii  libgl1-nvidia-glx
290.10-1                           NVIDIA binary OpenGL libraries
ii  libgl1-nvidia-glx-ia32
 290.10-1                           NVIDIA binary OpenGL 32-bit libraries
ii  libglx-nvidia-alternatives
 290.10-1                           transition libgl.so diversions to
ii  nvidia-alternative
 290.10-1                           allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX
ii  nvidia-glx
 290.10-1                           NVIDIA metapackage
ii  nvidia-installer-cleanup
 20111111+1                         Cleanup after driver installation with
the nvidia-installer
ii  nvidia-kernel-common
 20111111+1                         NVIDIA binary kernel module support
ii  nvidia-kernel-dkms
 290.10-1                           NVIDIA binary kernel module DKMS source
ii  nvidia-settings
290.10-1                           Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics
ii  nvidia-support
 20111111+1                         NVIDIA binary graphics driver support
ii  nvidia-vdpau-driver
290.10-1                           NVIDIA vdpau driver
ii  xserver-xorg-video-nvidia
290.10-1                           NVIDIA binary Xorg driver

$ dpkg -l | grep mythvideo
ii  mythvideo
0.24.1+fixes20111029-0.1squeeze1   Generic video player frontend module for

This is the GTX295 log details when I tried to play the file -

This is the output from the 32-bit BE/FE - http://pastebin.com/9qkhkwZv

Both logs should be a result of mythfrontend -v playback -l <logfile>

I have looked the logs over, and nothing stands out. There was a point when
the affected systems could play the files (the other is also a 64-bit
system). So one of my suspicions is that nVidia changed how onboard cards
were treated. I would target this at vdpau but even avi files don't display
when using the Internal player.

Unfortunately I realised too late that the issue may be driver related and
by the time I did, the cache packages were gone.

Any help on understanding what is happening would be appreciated.

Kind regards,
Milo Mak
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