[mythtv-users] Driving a PAL tv using Intel graphics

Simon Hobson linux at thehobsons.co.uk
Sat Aug 27 21:05:27 UTC 2011

Paul Gardiner wrote:

>  > The question you need to answer is what it needs for sync. If it can
>>  take composite sync then the VGA-SCART converter should work if you
>>  put the right plug(s) on instead of the SCART.
>>  If it takes Sync on Green then the box someone posted a link to also
>>  does that - you'd just need s a SCART-whatever adapter lead.
>>  If it needs separate H&  V syncs then you'd need to adapt the
>>  VGA-SCART circuit previously linked to and use a one-transistor
>>  circuit to invert each signal.
>Are you sure? I think component is YUV, and SCART is RGB.

Good point I'd overlooked - it can be YUV, or it can be RGB. 
Something else to find out.

Simon Hobson

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