[mythtv-users] HVR-1600 IR remote control

Bob Shanteau rmshant at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 18:15:28 UTC 2011

On 04/28/2011 05:42 AM, Mark Lord wrote:
> On 11-04-28 01:00 AM, Bob Shanteau wrote:
>> Mark says, "enable_hauppauge_remote.sh script will work fine by itself with a 2.6.32 kernel", but when I run that script it says that I need input-kbd, which I can get by running "apt-get install input-utils". I'm reluctant to do that, though, since MythDora uses RPM Fusion and I recall having read a warning once about not mixing up files from the two sources. I tried searching for input-utils and input-kbd on RPM Fusion and found nothing.
> Fedora users apparently have a quirky thing called "ir-keyboard" that does some of the same things as input-kdb does.
> I don't run fedora (too clunky for me), but others here do and might offer help.

I just searched Fedoraproject.org and rpmfusion.org for "ir-keyboard" 
and found nothing.

Yesterday, though, I found a hardware fix to my problem. A couple of 
years ago when I was struggling with getting mythTV working, I bought a 
bare PVR-150 card. Well, similar to the HVR-1600, the PVR-150 has an IR 
plug. When I plugged in the HVR-1600's IR receiver/blaster cable into 
the PRV-150, the Hauppauge (gray) remote control worked, at least for a 
while. I know that I should have left well enough alone, but curiosity 
led me to swapping in the HVR-1600 to see what happened (it still didn't 
recognize the Hauppauge remote), and when I put the PVR-150 back in the 
same as I did before, the remote no longer worked.

But then I tried plugging in the USB receiver from a spare MCE remote 
and, after a reboot, the Hauppauge remote worked again! Even after I 
unplugged the USB receiver, the Hauppauge remote continued to work. That 
setup is flaky, however, and sometimes takes several reboots to work. 
There must be some IR keyboard procedure that starts when the system 
boots with the USB receiver plugged in that causes the PVR-150 to 
recognize the Hauppauge remote control (sometimes).

As it turns out, that MCE remote is laid out almost as nicely as the 
Hauppauge remote, so I may simply switch remotes and forget about the 
Hauppauge remote. That still leaves getting the IR blaster to work with 
the Pace DC50X SDTV settop box that Comcast provides, but that's another 

Bob Shanteau

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