[mythtv-users] MythTV Does Not See PVR-250 - Must Fix Before Wife Returns!

Drew Tomlinson drew at mykitchentable.net
Tue Apr 12 05:01:10 UTC 2011

On 4/11/2011 8:43 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> On 4/11/2011 8:08 PM, Rob Smith wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Drew 
>> Tomlinson<drew at mykitchentable.net>  wrote:
>>> Thanks Rob.  I build mythtv with your new ebuild but I still don't 
>>> seem to
>>> be getting ivtv support.  Is there something I need to do with my 
>>> kernel?  I
>>> verified that the v4l2 modules are loaded:
>> I had sworn that we had a patch committed for this. I was wrong. I
>> just committed a new ebuild that will have the required fix. This
>> should do the trick for you.
>> Thanks for the patience.
>> ~Rob
> Thank you very much for your hard efforts and maintaining the 
> ebuilds.  Without those, guys like me would be really lost.
> I'm building now and I will let you know the outcome.
I successfully built the following:

mythfe01 layman # equery list "myth*"
  * Searching for myth* ...
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mytharchive-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mythgallery-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mythmusic-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mythnetvision-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mythnews-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mythvideo-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-plugins/mythweather-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] media-tv/mythtv-0.24_p20110411:0
[I-O] [  ] www-apps/mythweb-0.24_p20110219:0.24_p20110219

I won't actually test my PVR-250 card until tomorrow because Myth is 
currently recording so I don't want to shutdown the backend.  However I 
ran mythtv-setup and the "IVTV MPEG-2" capture card choice is there.

Thanks again for the ebuilds!



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