[mythtv-users] Power Line Network Connections and Myth ?

Brian Wood beww at beww.org
Sun Sep 26 22:32:21 UTC 2010

On Sunday, September 26, 2010 02:56:56 pm Craig Huff wrote:
> Brian,
> Wish I'd thought of revisiting this technology, myself!  Been battling
> WiFi connection to an FE in the bedroom where "no more holes allowed
> in the walls!" per WAF.
> Did a check at NewEgg and while it turned out to be the most expensive
> pair solution (of course) this one looked like it had the most promise
> based on the reviews:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122360

Interesting, though "speed is faster than Roadrunner can deliver" isn't saying much. I guess many people are just 
interested in internet access, not in-house transfer speeds.

I'm also not concerned about encryption. Funny how folks send data across continents in the clear and then worry about the 
last few feet.

If anyone wants to monitor the power lines in my neighborhood and grab my video in transit, they are welcome to it. I hope 
they enjoy it. :-)

But no negative comments is a plus.

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